Ashwagandha, a traditional herb native to Asia and Africa, has been valued for centuries for its ability to boost energy and enhance concentration. Known as an adaptogen, it helps the body manage stress and provides additional benefits like reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system. This guide explores the various ways ashwagandha can be beneficial, particularly for men.
Hair Health
A study published in PubMed last year tested the effects of ashwagandha on hair health, comparing it to a placebo. The ashwagandha group “demonstrated significant reduction in hair shedding” and “substantially enhanced hair density, growth, and thickness compared to the placebo group.”
Immune System Booster
Ashwagandha can strengthen men’s immune responses, enhancing their defense mechanisms against pathogens and illnesses. However, taking ashwagandha may be harmful for those with autoimmune disorders, as their immune system is already overactive.
Weight Management
Ashwagandha can help regulate metabolism and reduce food cravings, making it a useful supplement when trying to lose weight. Its positive effects on muscle gain can help enhance body composition by losing fat and increasing lean muscle mass.
Improved Digestive Health
The herb’s anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate painful symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Its adaptogenic properties, which reduce stress, prevent high stress levels from negatively altering the composition of the gut microbiome.
Improved Fertility and Sexual Health
Healthline notes, “Ashwagandha supplements have been shown in some studies to benefit male fertility and increase testosterone levels.” Studies have also found that taking the supplement increases sperm concentration, semen volume, and sperm mobility for men with low sperm counts.
Anti-aging Properties
Ashwagandha’s antioxidant effects help to protect cells from damage, potentially slowing down visible symptoms of aging on the skin, including fine lines and wrinkles. By improving overall health, it can also contribute to a longer, healthier life if taken with other supplements and a healthy diet.
Mood Enhancer
Ashwagandha offers natural relief from stress and can reduce anxiety symptoms without the commonly experienced negative side effects of pharmaceuticals. The herb is also known for enhancing the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, an important molecule for learning and memory.
Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief
Medical News Today argues that evidence suggests ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory effects. Taking the herb regularly can be beneficial for managing conditions like arthritis and general joint mobility.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Research points to ashwagandha’s ability to manage blood sugar levels and possibly lower insulin resistance. Regularly taking the herb can help to prevent type 2 diabetes and treat it and other metabolic disorders.
Cognitive Function and Brain Health
Ashwagandha is known for promoting brain health, with many positive effects on cognitive function. A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that ashwagandha extract improved “cognitive flexibility, visual memory, reaction time, psychomotor speed, executive functioning, and stress response.”
Improved Respiratory Health
The herb is known for supporting lung function and can help improve respiratory health and function, making it a helpful supplement for men with asthma or bronchitis. By boosting the immune system, it can enhance the body’s defense against common colds, flu, and other respiratory infections.
Enhanced Physical Performance
Muscle & Strength points to a study that saw subjects administered either 300 mg of ashwagandha root twice daily or a scratch placebo. The results showed that those taking ashwagandha had “significantly greater increases in strength, with a significant gain in muscle size, [and a] greater reduction in exercise-induced muscle damage.”
Stress Reduction
Ashwagandha is well known for its ability to reduce stress. It is an adaptogen—a substance proven to help the body cope with stress. Taking ashwagandha can help control stress mediators, including cortisol and heat shock proteins.
Supports Heart Health
Ashwagandha can improve cholesterol and lipid profiles, promoting heart health. Its adaptogenic properties can also help manage blood pressure levels and keep them within a healthy range, making it a useful supplement for men suffering from high blood pressure.
Skin Health
Ashwagandha’s antioxidant properties can help protect men’s skin. It can boost collagen production and encourage skin repair and regeneration, removing and replacing dead skin cells, leading to a more youthful appearance.
Improved Sleep
Ashwagandha is renowned for its positive effects on sleep quality. Studies have shown that men taking the herb feel more alert when waking up in the mornings, and these effects are particularly strong in those struggling with sleep issues.
Fights Cancer
Several studies have shown that ashwagandha’s compounds can help fight certain cancer types. Researchers are unsure why, but the herb seems to reduce cancer cells’ activity in brain, breast, colon, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancers. It can be an effective supplement alongside traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy.