Being smart is not just about your IQ, as there are also many distinct patterns and behaviours that set apart more intelligent people from the rest. A lot of this is making smarter decisions when it comes to how they think, act and approach life—so if you’re looking to be a little smarter, here’s how you can do it.
They’re Always Asking “Why?”

For smart people, curiosity is like a superpower, meaning they’re always wondering why things work the way they do and are happy to ask questions, even when the answers might seem obvious to others.They see questions as the key to unlocking knowledge.
They Don’t Mind Getting it Wrong

While many of us dread making mistakes, intelligent people take the exact opposite approach—they actually welcome them. Being wrong isn’t a blow to their ego; it’s a stepping stone to becoming better because they see mistakes as valuable lessons and a way to improve.
Quiet Time is a Priority

Some of their most creative or insightful breakthroughs often come during quiet moments, which is why they make time for them, away from the noise of everyday life. Whether they’re reflecting on a problem, brainstorming new ideas, or simply enjoying some peace and quiet, they know that solitude is crucial for clarity.
Keeping an Open Mind

Contrary to what you might think, smart people don’t have all the answers, and they know they don’t, leading to them actively seeking out new perspectives. They have a willingness to reconsider their beliefs, making them better problem-solvers and more adaptable.
They’d Rather Listen Than Talk

If there’s a so-called intelligent person talking loudly about how intelligent they are, it’s likely they’re not because when you meet someone truly smart, they’re probably keeping to themselves. Instead, they spend more time listening and observing, and by paying attention to what’s going on around them, they gather insights that help them make smarter decisions.
Rolling With the Punches

Change doesn’t throw these high-brain-powered people off balance the way it might for others; instead of fighting against it or feeling overwhelmed, they adapt quickly and figure out how to make the best of a new situation, seeing change as inevitable.
They’re Not Fans of Small Talk

It’s not that those with a high IQ don’t enjoy connecting with others, they just prefer discussions with depth and meaning, so small talk is a no-no. Exploring ideas, sharing experiences and diving into an interesting topic is much better to them than exchanging pleasantries about the weather.
Fixing Problems is Their Go-To

The mindset of not dwelling on the negatives helps these individuals to overcome challenges faster but also makes them natural leaders, as they inspire others to adopt the same proactive attitude. They’re quick to shift their focus to solutions and what can be done to move forward.
They’re Always Reading Something

Books, articles, essays—you name it, smart people are reading it, due to the fact that their appetite for knowledge knows no bounds, and they’re just as likely to be found deep in a gripping novel as they are studying a technical manual or a history book. They understand that reading teaches them new things and also broadens their horizons.
Keeping Their Circle Small But Strong

For folks who are smarter, friendships and relationships are about depth, not numbers. They don’t feel the need to surround themselves with a crowd, instead focusing on building a few meaningful connections. These relationships are often built on mutual respect, shared values, and genuine support.
They Resist Impulse Decisions

Patience is a virtue, as we know, and clever people have it in spades, meaning they don’t jump to conclusions or make hasty choices, and while such a careful decision-making process might take longer, it often leads to better outcomes. They understand that a well-thought-out choice is almost always worth the wait.
“I Don’t Know” is Easy For Them to Say

Rather than pretending they have all the answers, those with higher intelligence will always embrace the opportunity to ask questions, do research, and figure it out, with this honesty making them more approachable and allowing them to keep learning and growing.
Pursuing Lifelong Learning

Did you think learning ends with a degree? It’s a lifelong passion, like picking up a new skill or taking a deep dive into an area of interest, and they’re always seeking to expand their knowledge. They don’t wait for opportunities to learn—they create them, thanks to their hunger for growth.
They Challenge Themselves

Comfort zones are something highly intelligent people try to avoid because they thrive on challenges and see them as opportunities to grow and enjoy pushing their limits. They don’t shy away from hard work owing to the fact that they know that true progression only happens when you step outside what feels easy.
Being Selective with Their Energy

Most of us know how it feels to be around people who drain your energy, or how it feels to have no energy left after a long day, and this is why people who make smart decisions choose to preserve their energy as a limited resource. They’ll be strategic about how they spend their time and who they spend it with, focusing on what matters.
They Are Self-Aware

Knowing yourself is a skill that those with more brain power seem to master easily, spending time reflecting on their actions, emotions, and goals, as well as striving to understand themselves on a deeper level. This self-awareness allows them to make better decisions, improve their relationships, and stay aligned with their values.
It’s the Journey Over the Destination

For smart individuals, achieving a goal is only part of the equation. They find just as much, if not more, joy in the process of getting there, whether it’s the lessons learned along the way or the challenges overcome; they savour every step. This mindset helps them stay grounded.