19 Subtle Clues Someone Is Deeply Infatuated with You

It’s always a nice feeling to know that someone likes you. But when someone is in love with you, it’s totally different, as it makes you feel loved, appreciated, and supported. You definitely won’t want …

It’s always a nice feeling to know that someone likes you. But when someone is in love with you, it’s totally different, as it makes you feel loved, appreciated, and supported. You definitely won’t want to miss out on any subtle signs of this, especially if it’s from someone you also like, so here are a few ways for you to tell.

Complimenting You Often

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Frequently receiving compliments from someone, especially on things beyond physical appearance, reveals how much they admire you. Comments on your skills, personality, or achievements highlight how much they appreciate and value you, showing sincerity in their words, not just superfluousness.

Getting Nervous Around You

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One of the most famous clues that someone is deeply infatuated with you is when they become nervous around you. They may fidget, stammer, or generally seem anxious in your presence, signifying that they care about making a good impression. Don’t let their nervous energy put you off: it simply reflects their intense feelings and the pressure they feel to connect with you.

Making Time for You

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Someone who is in love with you will always prioritize spending time with you, even when their schedule becomes incredibly busy. They will even rearrange plans or make sacrifices to ensure they can be with you, a dedication that truly highlights how much they value and cherish your company.

Maintaining Intense Eye Contact

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When you want to know if someone is in love with you, eye contact speaks volumes; in fact, eHarmony even shares that this makes sense on a biochemistry level. If they’re deeply infatuated with you, they’ll often maintain eye contact longer than usual. This form of non-verbal communication signals their genuine interest and connection, gazing into your eyes with a level of unwavering warmth that you wouldn’t normally receive.

Finding Excuses to Be Near You

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If someone is infatuated with you, they will look for reasons to be close to you. They might sit next to you in a meeting or ‘accidentally’ bump into you during breaks, attempting to subtly hint to you how much they want to be around you.

Remembering the Small Details

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Noticing that someone recalls minor details that you’ve shared is a clear sign that they’re falling in love with you, as it demonstrates just how much they pay attention to you. They might remember your favorite coffee order, the name of your childhood pet, or an offhand comment you made. This attentiveness signifies their deep interest and emotional investment in you.

Mirroring Your Actions

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When someone is infatuated with another person, they start to mirror their behavior. It’s a subconscious sign of attraction that they may not even realize they are doing, perhaps copying your gestures, speech patterns, or posture. They’re not intentionally trying to be weird; it simply shows that they are trying to connect with you on a deeper level.

Initiating Communication Regularly

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If someone is regularly reaching out to you through texts, calls, or social media messages, it indicates they’re thinking about you a lot, and they may be in love with you. Initiating conversations, even regarding trivial matters, shows they want to maintain a connection at all times of the day.

They Are Always Happy to See You

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A genuine, uncontrollable smile when they see you clearly indicates that someone is infatuated with you. Their face lights up, and their mood instantly improves, a joyful reaction that reflects the happiness and excitement they feel in your presence.

Showing Genuine Concern for Your Well-being

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If a person in your life expresses genuine concern about your health, happiness, or daily challenges, this is another clear indicator that they care deeply for you. They might offer support, advice, or just a listening ear. It’s a level of genuine concern that goes far beyond casual friendliness and general politeness.

Giving Thoughtful Gifts

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Another subtle clue that someone is deeply infatuated with you is when they give you thoughtful gifts that reflect your tastes and interests, demonstrating how much they have been paying attention to you. These gifts are not about their monetary value but the effort and thought put into them. Such gestures show a deep appreciation and understanding of what makes you happy.

Getting Jealous of Your Attention to Others

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A hint of jealousy when you give attention to others can indicate someone’s deeper feelings for you. They might show subtle signs of discomfort or unease. This reaction reveals their desire to be your primary focus and the depth of their emotional investment, and as long as it doesn’t become overbearing, it can be quite sweet.

They Make You Feel Special

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Someone who is in love with you will always try to make you feel special through words, actions, or small gestures. They’ll go out of their way to make your day better, celebrate your achievements, or simply let you know how much you mean to them.

Laughing at Your Jokes

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If you notice that someone laughs at all of your jokes, even the not-so-funny ones, this is another subtle sign that they’re falling for you. This behavior reflects their desire to bond with you and share positive experiences, laughing with you to encourage and affirm your connection.

They Seek Your Opinion

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When someone is infatuated with another person, they will value their thoughts and opinions on various matters far higher than anyone else’s, indicating the high regard they hold for them. They might ask for their advice on personal issues, work decisions, or even trivial matters, showing a level of respect for their perspective that no one else can match.

Showing Interest in Your Hobbies

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Another way that someone who is infatuated with you will attempt to show this is by taking an interest in your hobbies and activities. They might ask to join you in your favorite pastime, ask questions about it, or show enthusiasm for it, even if they’ve never heard of it before, demonstrating how strong their desire to bond with you is.

Opening Up About Themselves

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In an attempt to build deep connections with you, someone who is infatuated with you will often share personal stories, feelings, and experiences that they have had, signifying their deep love for sharing things with you. By opening up, they are trying to build a deeper emotional connection, so if you share these feelings, try to open up about yourself in return.

They Defend You

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Even when you’re in the wrong, someone who is in love with you will still stand up for you, making sure you are defended during challenging situations. There’s no denying that this behavior can feel overprotective, but ultimately, it’s just their way of expressing their strong feelings and their desire to ensure your well-being and happiness.

Finding Ways to Touch You

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Depending on how you feel about them, the way in which someone who is in love with you will find ways to physically touch you can give you butterflies, or alternatively, the creeps. Light touches on the arm, a pat on the back, or a gentle hug show their desire to be physically close to you. If you’re welcoming it, this could be the start of a truly special relationship.