Each new year often brings a fresh sense of motivation to make positive changes in our lives. However, sticking to those resolutions and breaking old habits can be challenging, and it’s easy to lose momentum along the way. If you’re seeking inspiration to make lasting improvements, this guide offers insights into some common habits that, once broken, can lead to a more fulfilling and healthier life.
Not Investing in Relationships

We are a social species, so relationships play an incredibly important role in our lives. As such, neglecting the most important relationships in your life can be very damaging in the long run, leading to severed connections, isolation, and regret.
Prioritizing Work Over Life

Achieving a good work-life balance is a key factor in one’s mental well-being. Unfortunately, many of us are too caught up in work and busyness to give proper time to rest, relaxation, and socialization. In the long run, this can lead to burnout and health issues.
Holding onto Grudges

While it makes sense that some of us feel resentment toward those who have wronged us in the past, holding onto grudges for long periods of time can cause mental health issues and damage important relationships. According to the American Psychological Association, forgiveness can help you let go of this mental burden, freeing up more energy for you to put into other things.
Skipping Sun Protection

We all know that excessive sun exposure can contribute to skin damage and cancer if we don’t wear enough sunscreen. Yet many of us seem to ignore or overlook this fact, frequently going out in the sun without adequate protection. Next time you’re going to leave the house, consider whether you’re properly prepared for the weather.
Failing to Learn from Mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes, but we don’t always learn from them. By reflecting on our mistakes and making positive changes, we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future and contribute to our personal growth. Remember to heed constructive criticism and reflect on what you can do to improve in the future.
Living Beyond Means

Modern life is filled with temptations that can lead to overspending and living beyond our means. This can prevent us from saving for our long-term goals, decreasing our quality of life in the long run. Check in with yourself to see whether you’re creating unnecessary financial stress with your spending habits.
Neglecting Self-Education

Learning should not stop when our formal education ends. By continuing to educate ourselves throughout our lives, we can continue to grow both personally and professionally, opening our minds to new ideas and opportunities that will benefit us in the long run.
Constantly Comparing Yourself to Others

Everybody is different and has their own unique struggles, so comparing yourself to others is an exercise in futility. As pointed out by Welldoing, comparison, especially when it comes to social media comparisons, frequently leads to feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Instead, focus on how far you’ve come in your own journey and practice gratitude for the things you do have.
Letting Fear Dictate Choices

We all have our own fears, but sometimes these fears can prevent us from going after the things we really want in life. If there’s something you want in life but are scared of going after, consider how you could manage these concerns while still pursuing your dreams.
Inconsistent Sleep Patterns

Good sleep is essential to living a mentally and physically healthy life. But despite knowing this, many of us neglect our sleep quality by going to bed too late, not sleeping enough, or waking ourselves up too early. Try to establish a regular sleep schedule to improve your overall mood and well-being.
Relying on Convenience Foods

Convenience foods are… convenient. But that doesn’t mean we should be eating them all the time. These meals are often full of unhealthy fats, sodium, and preservatives that are harmful to our bodies. Try making some healthy meals a few times a week to improve your overall health.
Overusing Digital Devices

Excessive screen time can lead to several health issues, such as reduced sleep quality, isolation, and eye strain. If you want to get more physically active and improve your overall health, it’s time to put down the screens and get some fresh air.
Not Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness and medication can be very beneficial to one’s mental health and well-being. But even if we know we should be doing it more, it can be hard to get started. Try meditating for just a few minutes if you want to start experiencing some of the many benefits mindfulness can offer.
Overlooking Physical Health

One of the most common habits people want to break is neglecting regular exercise and making poor diet choices. As supported by the World Health Organization, physical health is incredibly important, and neglecting your physical well-being can lead to serious health issues and potentially an earlier death.

We all wish we could get things done faster and easier. Procrastination is a habit that gets in the way of this goal, leading us to spend many miserable hours feeling guilty about not doing the things we should be doing. There are many tools you can use to increase your productivity and reduce procrastination, including time-blocking and the Pomodoro Technique.
Neglecting Mental Health

Society is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of mental health. Neglecting your mental well-being and dismissing signs of anxiety or depression can exacerbate the issue, which can create additional psychological and physical health issues. Try therapy, meditation, or journaling if you want to start looking after your mental health again.
Avoiding Financial Responsibility

It goes without saying that avoiding financial responsibility and failing to manage your money properly comes with several negative consequences. For example, you’re more likely to deal with money-related stress and insecurity and have less savings for the future.
Disregarding Environmental Impact

We’ve all heard about the devastating impact humanity is having on our natural environment, and yet it remains difficult to find the motivation to make a positive difference. Consider what small lifestyle changes you could make to contribute to a happier, healthier planet.