While it’s true that age is just a number, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look after yourself. Yes, you deserve to enjoy life fully, but neglecting your health can lead to very avoidable problems later on. If you wish to live to the fullest, here are a few things you shouldn’t be doing any more after hitting 55.
Skipping Sleep

When you’re younger, it’s easier to skip out on some sleep from time to time, but as you age, it becomes increasingly important for your physical and mental health, particularly your memory and immune system. Skipping sleep or maintaining irregular sleep patterns will inevitably lead to chronic health problems, so aim to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to ensure your body and mind are well-rested.
Ignoring Mental Health

Sadly, some people don’t understand the value of their mental health, ignoring it even when it’s causing them problems. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and 55 is the perfect time to realize that. Ignoring stress, anxiety, or depression will only lead to more serious conditions, so seek professional help if you need it or engage in activities that promote mental well-being, such as meditation and socializing.
Avoiding Social Connections

Speaking of mental health, you should make sure that you aren’t ignoring social connections as you creep into your 60s. They’re crucial for your emotional health, and without them, you could develop loneliness and depression. So, try to make an effort to stay connected with friends and family, and consider joining clubs or groups to meet new people.
Neglecting Regular Health Checkups

Perhaps the most vital part of growing older is to attend regular health checkups, and skipping them can lead to undetected health issues. On Verywell Health’s recommendation, you should schedule routine exams to catch potential problems early, as preventive care can make a significant difference in maintaining long-term health. Trust us–you’ll thank yourself later.
Ignoring Exercise

It’s always important to stay physically active at any age, but it’s especially important after 55. Ignoring exercise can lead to rapid muscle loss, decreased mobility, and various health issues that you’ve never had to deal with before. So, incorporate regular exercise into your routine to stay fit and healthy long into your 60s.
Eating Unhealthy Foods

If you’re still consuming a diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats, you should really stop, as it becomes even worse for your body as you hit 55. Instead, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support overall wellness. You’ll find that you feel much better eating healthily, too.
Overlooking Hydration

Everyone knows that we should drink plenty of water, but as we get older, dehydration gets much more serious. It can cause various health issues, so it’s increasingly important that we drink enough water throughout the day. There’s no point in trying to avoid it–if we aim for around 8 cups a day, we should be just fine.

Easily, the worst thing you could still be doing at 55 is smoking, but thankfully, it’s not too late to stop. While smoking significantly increases the risk of numerous health issues, including heart disease and cancer, you’d be amazed at how quickly these negative side effects can be reversed. Quit smoking today, not tomorrow, and you’ll be so relieved you did in the future.
Excessive Alcohol Consumption

If you enjoy having an occasional drink, there’s nothing wrong with that, but make sure you’re avoiding consuming alcohol excessively. This could lead to all sorts of serious health problems, so find moderation in your life. Try to keep alcohol as an occasional way to wind down, and don’t overdo it, helping to keep your health, relationships, and mind in check.
Neglecting Flexibility

One of the most common things 55-year-olds forget to protect is their flexibility. Our bodies become increasingly rigid as we age, so it’s important to do stretches. Yoga is one of the best ways to achieve this, helping to keep your muscles and joints flexible and reduce the likelihood of strains and sprains.
Ignoring Dental Health

It’s easy to forget your dental health when you’re younger, but now that you’re 55, it’s time to start prioritizing it. Dental health impacts your overall well-being because you could experience gum disease and painful toothache without it. To avoid this, try to brush your teeth regularly, floss, and, most importantly, get regular dental checkups.
Avoiding Technology

Sadly, a lot of older people have admitted defeat when it comes to technology, and we can understand why–it’s all very confusing these days. However, it can enhance your life dramatically and keep you connected with loved ones, so it’s good to make an effort. 55 is certainly not too old to get used to it; you’ll have plenty of time to adapt and enjoy it for years to come.

Unfortunately, a lot of people continue to overwork themselves into their late 50s, something that you really ought to stop doing. Overworking can lead to burnout and health issues, so remember to prioritize finding a work-life balance, ensuring you have plenty of time for relaxation and personal activities. Set boundaries to manage stress and maintain overall well-being, and remember: these are uncompromisable.
Neglecting Hobbies

Due to getting caught up in the stress of work and life, it’s easy to neglect your hobbies. However, if you’re approaching 55, it’s time to stop that now. Hobbies provide immense mental stimulation and joy, and neglecting them can lead to boredom, dissatisfaction, and even depression. So, make time for activities you love, even if it’s just a spot of gardening, painting, or reading.
Skipping Vaccinations

Shockingly, many over-50s are continuing to skip vaccinations, which is an awful thing to do for their health. Vaccinations are crucial for preventing illnesses, and by skipping them, these people are exposing themselves to a heightened risk of infections. Don’t be like them–stay up to date with recommended vaccines, such as the flu shot and shingles vaccine, to protect your health.
Not Managing Finances

While it’s true that financial management never becomes easy, you need to try to get a hold of it by the time you’re 55. Not managing your finances effectively at this age can lead to significant stress as you approach old age. If you’ve not started thinking about this yet, consider creating a budget, start saving for the future, and consult a financial advisor to plan for retirement.
Ignoring Skin Care

Countless people continue to neglect their skincare routines into their late 50s, which isn’t wise. You might think you’re not bothered about your skin, but you won’t be saying that when you have wrinkles and other issues. So, start using moisturizers, sunscreen, and other skin care products now before it’s too late, keeping your skin healthy and preventing damage.
Avoiding Balance Exercises

Even if you’re keeping an eye on your exercise routines, we bet you’re still neglecting balance exercises. This is worth thinking about because balance can decline with age, increasing the risk of falls. Avoiding balance exercises will only make this worse, so start trying to maintain it through exercises such as tai chi or standing on one leg, and you’ll feel much more steady when you’re over 60.
Eating Large Portions

Now that you’re 55 years old, it really is time to stop eating excessive amounts of food. Your metabolism will slow down with age, making it much easier to gain weight through eating large portions. This could lead to countless other health problems, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to start practicing portion control and eating smaller, lighter, and more balanced meals.
Neglecting Eye Health

It’s impossible to avoid your eye health deteriorating with age, but you can take steps to prevent it from becoming a serious problem, such as by getting regular checkups and wearing UV sunglasses in the summer. Most importantly, if you do find that you need glasses, wear them, as they will greatly increase your quality of life, and you’ll soon get used to them.
Protecting Your Ears

Plenty of 55-year-olds still love attending loud music concerts or other events with high volumes, which is great, but they should definitely be using ear protection. Our ears become sensitive with age, so if we’re not careful, we can soon end up requiring hearing aids. So, try to prevent this by wearing high-quality earbuds whenever possible, preventing your ears from getting damaged by harsh high-frequencies.