There’s no getting around the fact that airports are going to be stressful, but there are plenty of ways that, unfortunately, people can make them more stressful—and you might just be the one doing it. If you’re looking to make the airport experience run more smoothly, whether for yourself or to make sure you’re not annoying any fellow passengers, watch out for these habits.
Walkways Blocked with Luggage

You can easily lose track of your luggage when you’re caught up in the bustle of the airport, but leaving your bags scattered across busy walkways creates unnecessary chaos. People rushing to their gates suddenly have to dodge around your belongings, which only adds to the stress when it doesn’t take much effort to tuck your bags neatly by your side or under a chair.
Ignoring Security Instructions

Security lines are frustrating enough without someone holding things up because they didn’t bother to read the rules. When you leave liquids in your bag, forget to take off your belt, or wear shoes that take forever to remove, it creates a domino effect of delays, and let’s be honest—nobody likes the feeling of being glared at by a queue full of tired travellers.
Charging Stations Being Hogged

We’ve all been there—your phone is down to 5%, and finding a charging point feels like striking gold, but when someone plugs in three devices at once and then walks away, it can feel incredibly inconsiderate. Airports are busy places, and charging points are a shared resource.
Standing Still on Moving Walkways

If you’d rather stand than walk on a moving walkway, that’s fine—just stick to one side and let the speedsters zoom by. A little awareness here goes a long way in keeping everyone moving and stress levels low.
Moving walkways aren’t a free ride, they’re designed to help people move faster through long corridors, especially when they’re in a hurry.
Crowding the Boarding Gate

As soon as the gate number pops up on the screen, it’s like a magnet pulling everyone towards it, yet hovering around the gate long before your group is called does more harm than good. It clogs up the space, makes it harder for staff to manage the process, and, frankly, it doesn’t get you on the plane any faster.
Speaking Loudly on Phones

Airports are loud places already, so when someone starts shouting into their phone, it’s like turning up the volume on an already chaotic soundtrack; sure, you might be excited to update a loved one, but keeping your voice down is a small courtesy that makes a big difference. When you need privacy or can’t lower your volume, consider stepping aside to a quieter corner.
Hand Luggage That’s Overpacked

Stick to the airline’s size and weight guidelines, and only bring what you truly need for the flight, even though it’s tempting to stuff everything into your carry-on to avoid checked baggage fees
Overpacking your bag can cause a headache for everyone because oversized or bulging luggage slows down the boarding process as you struggle to cram it into the overhead compartment.
Holding Up Passport Control

There’s nothing worse than reaching the front of the passport control queue, only to see someone digging through their bag for their documents. It’s the kind of delay that feels avoidable with just a little preparation, which is why keeping your passport and boarding pass easily accessible saves you from panicking.
Rubbish Left Behind

It’s surprising how often people leave coffee cups, sandwich wrappers, or even half-eaten meals scattered across airport seating areas, and not only is it unpleasant for the next person, but it also makes more work for cleaning staff already stretched thin.
Airports have bins everywhere—sometimes it feels like you can’t walk ten feet without passing one—so there’s really no excuse.
Jumping the Queue

If you want to irritate everyone around you, cut in line at check-in, security, or boarding. Airports can feel like a race against the clock, but everyone is trying to get somewhere, therefore when you respect the queue, you help keep things orderly and efficient.
Baggage Reclaim Delays

Baggage reclaim is already a test of patience, as we know, so it’s baffling when people crowd the carousel and block others from getting their bags when instead, standing back a few feet gives everyone space. And when your suitcase does come around, grab it promptly and step aside.
Using Trolleys Recklessly

Once you’re done with your luggage trolley, return it to a designated spot instead of abandoning it for someone else to trip over. Luggage trolleys are a lifesaver for heavy bags, but they can become a hazard in busy airport halls, and leaving them in the middle of walkways causes unnecessary congestion.
Holding Up Lifts

For people with heavy bags, children in pushchairs, or mobility issues, lifts are essential, yet that doesn’t stop people using them who could easily take the stairs or escalators instead.
Using lifts unnecessarily means those who truly need it are left waiting, therefore, able-bodied people who aren’t carrying much should consider giving priority to others.
Wearing Complicated Shoes

Opt for footwear that’s easy to slip on and off, like trainers or loafers, to make the process faster and less stressful for yourself and others at security checkpoints, which can already feel like a juggling act. Wearing shoes that are hard to remove or put back on doesn’t help the ever-growing line.
Flight Announcements are Disregarded

Getting distracted in the airport with so many shops, restaurants, and charging points vying for your attention is easy, yet that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still pay attention to flight announcements. When staff have to track you down, it holds up boarding and raises stress levels for everyone, so keep an ear out, especially as your departure time nears.
Not Sharing Seats

Seating in a waiting lounge is often in short supply, yet some travellers treat it like their personal space by spreading out across multiple chairs or using one for their bags, leaving others standing, which isn’t fair.
Stash your belongings under your seat or on your lap so more people can sit down.
Misbehaving During Delays

Flight delays are nobody’s idea of fun; taking out your frustration on staff or fellow passengers, however, only makes a bad situation worse. Airline employees aren’t in control of the weather or mechanical issues, and shouting at them won’t make the plane leave any faster, so stay calm and polite.
Letting Kids Run Wild

Travelling with children is no easy task, and it’s understandable that they might get restless in an airport. Letting them run around unsupervised creates safety risks and adds to the stress of those around you, though, so it’s a good idea to prioritise bringing along books, games, or snacks to keep them occupied, which can make all the difference.
Personal Space Doesn’t Exist

How would you feel in a hectic airport if someone was standing too close to you in a queue or leaning into your seating area? It’ll make you feel uncomfortable, and the same goes if you’re inadvertently doing it to others, therefore being aware of the invisible boundaries—especially when everyone is already a bit tense—goes a long way.
Taking Ages to Board

If you want more time to settle in and relax before takeoff, keep your essentials handy and be ready to stow your luggage efficiently because this helps the process move smoothly—otherwise, it’s going to take far too long for everyone to get on. Digging through bags for your headphones or struggling to fit your carry-on into the overhead bin slows everyone down.