Avoid People Who Show These 19 Sneaky Signs, Because They’re Trying to Manipulate You

If you suspect someone might be manipulating you, it can be challenging to pinpoint their tactics because manipulative individuals often hide their negative behaviors well. To help you avoid such toxicity in your life, this …

If you suspect someone might be manipulating you, it can be challenging to pinpoint their tactics because manipulative individuals often hide their negative behaviors well. To help you avoid such toxicity in your life, this article highlights some clear signs to help you recognize when you’re dealing with a master manipulator.

They Are Bossy

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People who manipulate others often try to boss them around. They do this by telling others what to do and trying to take charge of every situation. They take it upon themselves to lead an operation, and they are not afraid to make enemies along the way.

They Don’t Say Much

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The figures from WordsRated show that “the average person speaks around 16,000 words in a day.” But a person who is manipulative might not say many words at all. A lot of manipulative people are craftily quiet. They are this way so their manipulative ways cannot be traced back to them.

They Disrespect You

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A crafty and manipulative person will disrespect you. They will not treat you with the care and kindness that you deserve. Not only will they put you down, but they will also speak badly about others. This person doesn’t show respect to anyone but themselves.

They Verbally Abuse You

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Statistics from the National Institutes of Health indicate that “verbal abuse is the most common form of non-physical violence and is estimated [to be] from 51.8% to 63.4% worldwide.” Someone who verbally abuses you is manipulative and does not respect you. Verbal abuse can be just as emotionally scarring as physical abuse.

They Lie to You

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“Some researchers estimate that the average person tells around 1-2 lies per day. However, other studies have found much higher numbers – some suggest that people tell closer to 10-15 lies per day on average,” says Golden Steps ABA. People who lie a lot deceive others and take advantage of them.

They Are Demanding

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Does someone you know expect too much from you? Do they get angry when you can’t meet their high standards? Then they are manipulating you. This kind of person thinks that everyone is in the world to serve them and does nothing to help others.

They Put Pressure On You

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Have you ever been pressured into doing something? Then you are probably the victim of a master manipulator. This kind of person forces others to do things instead of asking them nicely. Their personalities are not welcoming, so others feel compelled to comply with them.

They Won’t Let You Speak

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Someone who is manipulating you will try to control the things you do and even the conversations you have. This kind of person will not let you speak freely while you’re conversing. They will do all the talking, and you will do all the listening.

They Eavesdrop

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It is not enough for a master manipulator to be the center of conversations that involve them; they also want the inside scoop on what people are saying at all times. So, if they just so happen to walk by while you’re conversing with someone else, know that this is just part of their plan to eavesdrop.

They Whine

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A manipulative person does not just complain; they whine about the things they are not happy about. They display irritating behaviors on purpose so that others will do what they want and yield to their needs. They don’t stop whining until they have everything just the way they like it.

They Control Everything

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Is there someone in your life who feels like they have to be in control of every circumstance? Do they always want to control the things you do and what others do, too? Then this person is trying to manipulate you so they can get their own way.

They Blackmail You

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“Blackmail involves a threat to do something that would cause a person to suffer embarrassment or financial loss unless that person meets certain demands,” says Justia. If someone has blackmailed you, you have been manipulated by them. This kind of person is dangerous, and you should stay away from them.

They Take the Credit

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Did someone just take credit for the good thing you did? If you didn’t speak up, then you have just been manipulated. The kind of person who acts this way is only interested in their own reputation, and they do not care who they have to step on to get to where they want to be.

They Interrupt

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A person who has nailed the manipulation job will interrupt you while you speak. They do this because they want to control where the conversation is going. As Psychology Today rightly says, you feel disrespected because you were not allowed to finish what you were saying.

They Belittle You

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Do you often feel belittled by someone you know? Do they downplay your achievements and make you feel small? Then this person is manipulating you. By belittling the good things you do, they lift themselves up and make themselves feel better. This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable.

They Are Hypervigilant

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A person who is manipulative has to be in control of everything. They must ensure that everything is going their way. Because of their desire to micromanage everything, they are always on high alert. They are always watching everything you do and everything you say.

They Are Vindictive

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A person who is always looking to get even with others and is constantly seeking revenge is angry because they could not manipulate the situation as they would have liked to. Their vindictive behavior is a way of trying to get justice and ensuring they always get their way in the future.

They Bully You

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According to the UMA, workplace bullying includes “intimidating or undermining employees by demeaning their work standards, not giving them credit, setting them up for failure, and constantly reminding them of old mistakes.” Is someone at work treating you this way? Then they are manipulating you.

They Gossip

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Manipulative people are often at the center of all gossip. If there’s something negative to talk about, they are in the conversation. But it is not enough for a person like this to participate in gossip; they are also the ones who start the gossip.