18 Behaviours You Should Avoid To Prevent Seeming Like an Immature Man

Understanding what separates men from boys goes beyond just considering their age. True maturity is reflected in the choices and actions that demonstrate wisdom, responsibility, and emotional intelligence. This article highlights the behaviors and habits …

Understanding what separates men from boys goes beyond just considering their age. True maturity is reflected in the choices and actions that demonstrate wisdom, responsibility, and emotional intelligence. This article highlights the behaviors and habits that mature men avoid, showcasing the qualities that define true maturity.

Ignoring Loved Ones

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Immature men can become so wrapped up in their own lives that they forget to cherish those around them. On the other hand, a mature man prioritizes and values relationships. He regularly communicates with and makes time for loved ones, ensuring they feel valued and loved​.

Avoiding Apologies

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One very mature quality is the ability to acknowledge and own up to mistakes. A mature man is able to apologize sincerely and try to make amends when he knows he’s in the wrong. He isn’t afraid to put aside his ego in favor of resolution and growth​.

Financially Irresponsible Behavior

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A mature man is able to understand the importance of wise money management. He’ll avoid reckless spending and have the ability to focus on planning and saving. You can spot a mature man because he has a long-term vision for financial stability​ and steady goals he’s working toward.

Selfish Behavior

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Mature men recognize that the world doesn’t revolve around them and are able to demonstrate consideration and care for others, engaging in acts of kindness and support​. Being selfish is an immature behavior that should be grown out of in adulthood. As shared by Alice on Medium, “Growing up, we start to explore the world and understand that other people have needs too. We develop feelings like altruism and empathy. Or at least we all should.”

Unfair Criticism

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If the men in your life offer support instead of criticism, avoid diminishing others to boost their own egos, and focus on building people up rather than breaking them down, they’re likely very emotionally mature. This type of man would never dish out unfair criticism.

Hiding Emotions

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A mature man would never try to hide his emotions. He understands that showing emotion isn’t a weakness, openly shares his feelings, and communicates honestly with others. Mature men are able to embrace vulnerability as a strength​. As shared by Health Shots, immature people “prefer to keep their true emotional issues hidden and avoid talking about them. They use defensive mechanisms like projection and denial to calm themselves.”

Making Others Feel Unwanted

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Someone who is mature will prioritize involving their loved ones in various aspects of their life, will commit to serious relationships, and will make time for partners, family, and friends. Mature men ensure that their loved ones feel important and prioritized​.

Disrespecting Others

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A mature man will strive to uphold respect in all interactions he has. He recognizes and honors others’ personal boundaries and beliefs, building relationships based on mutual trust and respect​. WikiHow states that “for an emotionally immature person, boundaries are something to be overcome, not respected. They want to be the center of attention and see someone else’s boundaries as unfairly limiting them.”

​​Neglecting Family Responsibilities

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Mature men actively contribute to family needs and obligations. They avoid using money as a substitute for emotional commitments and engage in healthy social behaviors that benefit family life​. They recognize their responsibilities and are able to face them head-on.

Setting Unrealistic Goals

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While immature people often set insane, unreachable goals that set them up for failure and disappointment, their mature counterparts strive to set achievable and realistic goals. Mature men understand their personal capabilities and limitations, focusing on long-term, sustainable results​ to grow and better their lives.

Letting Ego Lead Their Actions

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According to leadership author Hilary Jane Grosskopf on Medium, “Especially at work, strong-ego people can make collaboration difficult or even impossible. As leaders, they make work especially stressful and frustrating.” Mature men, on the other hand, are able to keep their egos in check and think their actions through. They consider potential consequences before acting and plan their actions by anticipating future outcomes​.

Showing Jealousy or Control in Relationships

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Jealousy and controlling behavior are toxic traits often exhibited by those in younger, immature relationships. A mature man, however, trusts his partner and respects their independence. He works to avoid isolating his partner or feeling threatened by their interactions, and he understands the importance of trust and security in relationships​.

Prioritizing Fun Over Work

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A mature man understands the importance of balancing work and leisure. Of course, life should not revolve solely around work—but it’s not all about having fun either! He’ll be able to manage his time efficiently to maintain a work-play balance and recognize the value of responsibility and productivity​.

Lying and Cheating to Get Ahead

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Mature men are able to uphold honesty and integrity as core values. They believe in fair play and earning achievements genuinely, avoiding deceitful behaviors like lying and cheating to gain an advantage.​ As shared by Forbes, “Cheaters actually cheat themselves out of happiness.”

Manipulating Others

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Someone who is mature should be able to communicate openly and honestly. Mature men value trust and work hard to maintain it. They avoid controlling or deceiving others through manipulation, which is an immature tactic. Manipulative behaviors only further reinforce people’s emotional immaturity.

Holding Grudges

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Holding a grudge is draining and consumes unnecessary time. A mature man chooses forgiveness over harboring resentment. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that allows you to focus on yourself and helps you go on with life.” Mature men understand the negative impact of holding onto anger and focus on moving forward rather than dwelling on the past​.

Engaging in Physical or Emotional Abuse

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Mature men respect their partners and avoid any form of abuse. They are able to address conflicts peacefully and seek mutual understanding, upholding the dignity and worth of their partner​s. Mature men can control their emotions and don’t lash out at others out of anger or hurt.

Treating Their Partner as Lesser

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A mature man will always view and treat his partner as an equal. He will support his partner’s aspirations and celebrate their achievements with true happiness. Mature men also avoid exerting dominance or superiority in their relationship​s. They don’t believe they’re better than anyone else.