Relationships don’t always maintain the same spark they had in the beginning, and that’s perfectly normal, but when things start to feel off, it’s natural to wonder if he’s losing interest. Spotting the signs early could mean you can handle the situation in a better way, and to help, we’ve collected the biggest signs that his interest in the relationship might be on the way out.
Taking Longer to Respond to Messages

Remember when his texts used to come in almost instantly, sometimes before you’d even finished typing yours? If those quick replies have turned into hours-long waits or one-word responses, it might feel like he’s not as invested as before; of course, life gets busy, but if this shift feels sudden or out of character, it’s worth having a chat.
He Stops Making Plans

If the old version of him would plan movie nights, dinner dates, or spontaneous weekend getaways and now barely suggests meeting up, it might feel like he’s pulling away. This change can be especially disheartening if you’re left shouldering all the effort to keep things going.
Affection Feels Forced or Distant

Affection is one of those things you can usually feel without having to think too hard about it. If hugs feel robotic, kisses lack warmth, or he seems to be going through the motions, it might be a sign his heart’s not as in it, and the best way to bring it up is in a way that invites dialogue rather than defensiveness.
You’re No Longer a Priority

When your partner starts consistently cancelling plans or choosing work, friends, or hobbies over time with you, it can feel like you’re no longer a significant part of his life, and it’s important to express how his behaviour makes you feel. For example, “I feel like we’re not spending as much time together, and I miss us, can we figure out how to fix that?”
He Avoids Deep Conversations

Conversations that once felt natural and deep may now seem shallow or non-existent, but before jumping to conclusions, think about how often you’ve been having meaningful talks lately. Sometimes relationships fall into routines, and it takes effort to reconnect.
Less Attentive to Your Needs

Do you feel like he’s no longer tuned into what makes you happy or comfortable? Whether it’s skipping the little gestures he used to make or dismissing your concerns, his lack of attention can be disheartening, and relationships thrive on mutual care and effort, so don’t hesitate to let him know what’s missing.
Becoming Easily Irritated

It could indicate deeper frustrations, either with the relationship or something else, if his patience seems to have vanished overnight and small things now lead to unnecessary arguments. Resist the urge to match his irritation with your own, and instead, approach him when things are calm and ask what’s bothering him.
He Pulls Away from Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy isn’t just about sex, it’s the everyday touches, hugs, and kisses that build connection. Therefore, when he’s pulling back from these moments, it can feel hurtful. Try not to take it personally right away; there could be many reasons for the change, including stress or exhaustion.
His Actions Don’t Match His Words

Words are lovely, but when someone’s behaviour doesn’t align with what they’re saying, it can feel confusing, especially if he tells you he cares but consistently cancels plans or avoids meaningful interaction. It’s worth addressing by approaching him about why you feel there’s been a gap recently.
He’s Stopped Sharing His Life with You

When he used to tell you every little detail about his day but now offers only vague answers like “it was fine,” it might feel like you’re being shut out, and while a lot of things could cause this shift, it’s still worth bringing it up with him. Rather than make assumptions, ask him why he’s not willing to open up about the little details anymore.
Spending More Time on His Phone

Maybe he’s lost interest, or perhaps he’s just fallen into a habit of distraction, either way when someone starts spending more time scrolling through their phone than engaging with you during quality time, it can feel like a red flag. Pay attention to the moments he chooses to do it, for example a casual night at home can be different to out for a meal together.
He Doesn’t Notice the Little Things

Remember when he used to comment on your new haircut or bring you your favourite snack without being asked? If those thoughtful gestures have faded, it might feel like he’s stopped paying attention, and while it’s tempting to feel hurt, consider whether he’s distracted by other stressors or if he’s genuinely disengaged.
Compliments Fade Away

Compliments, big or small, are an important way partners show appreciation and affection. If his once-frequent words of praise have become rare—or nonexistent—it might leave you wondering what’s changed, so you should remind him how important these little comments are in a relationship and why he’s stopped.
He Doesn’t Defend the Relationship

Every relationship faces challenges, whether it’s disagreements between the two of you or external pressures like nosy friends or family opinions, but if he’s no longer willing to fight for the relationship it could mean his heart isn’t fully in it anymore. This could include him avoiding conflict resolutions or brushing off issues.
Unpredictability Has Grown

Unpredictability can leave you feeling like you’re struggling to keep up with him if he’s suddenly hot and cold, being attentive one day and distant the next, and it can leave you feeling off-balance. This type of inconsistency often points to inner confusion or hesitation regarding the relationship.
He’s Less Enthusiastic About Your Achievements

When you share good news—a promotion, a personal milestone, or even a small win—and his reaction feels lacklustre, what does this tell you? It’s natural to expect your partner to be one of your biggest cheerleaders, therefore, if his enthusiasm seems to have waned, try being honest about how much his support matters to you.
Seeming More Interested in Others

Friends, co-workers, or even strangers might be getting more of his interest lately than you are—it’s easy to feel sidelined, yet this doesn’t necessarily mean something inappropriate is happening, as it can point to an emotional disconnect instead. Approach the topic calmly and his reaction will tell you all you need to know.
He Doesn’t Make Future Plans Together

Relationships thrive on a sense of shared vision for the future, like planning holidays and talking about the next weekend or imagining long-term goals. If those conversations have stopped or he avoids committing to plans, it could mean he’s unsure about the relationship.
You Don’t Hear “I Love You” Anymore

Hearing “I love you” is often a daily reassurance in a relationship. Therefore, when those words suddenly stop—or start feeling hollow when they’re spoken—it’s natural to worry. The best thing to do is compare it to how much he used to say it, as you’ll know if he used to say it a million times a day and now doesn’t say it at all, it’s a red flag.