Only People Who Are In True Love Demonstrate These 17 Things To Their Partner

Determining whether you’ve found true love can be a deeply personal experience, with many different signs that may indicate a genuine connection. Love reveals itself in various forms and actions. This article explores some of …

Determining whether you’ve found true love can be a deeply personal experience, with many different signs that may indicate a genuine connection. Love reveals itself in various forms and actions. This article explores some of the key indicators that can help you recognize true love in your relationship.

They Show Gratitude

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You will know that you have found true love if the person you are with shows you their gratitude. They don’t take you or the things you do for granted. They honestly express their thanks and are constantly looking for ways to repay the favor.

They Are Honest

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“Honesty is the foundation for trust in a relationship, and trust is necessary for a relationship to function and thrive,” says MindBodyGreen. You can be confident that you have found true love when your partner is honest with you. They can speak frankly with you without being rude.

They Call You

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The statistics from SellCell show that “across the world, we make a huge 13.5 billion phone calls every day.” Someone who is in love with you will be making a lot of phone calls. They will call you to see if you are okay and just to hear your voice.

They Give You the Credit

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Does the person you are with often give you credit for the things they have done? Then this person really loves you. They love you so much that the most important thing to them is making sure you look good in front of others. They will do this even if it means they receive less of the glory.

They Defend You

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A person who is in love with you will always have your back and defend you whenever necessary. So when others, including your in-laws, begin to speak negatively about you, they will stick up for you. They will always highlight your good qualities to others.

They Compliment You

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Life Lovers Magazine gives reasons as to why couples must compliment one another. “Your compliment can make them feel much better about themselves and will boost their self-esteem,” they say. A person who is very committed to a relationship will always compliment their partner.

They Love the Real You

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Someone who is really in love with you will not try to get you to change things about yourself. They will be in love with the real you, with no frills and no fluff. You can just be yourself when you’re with this person, and you aren’t embarrassed to let your hair down.

They Are Reliable

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If someone tells you they are in love with you, you will know it is true if they prove to be a reliable person. This kind of person is there for you when you need them to be. They do their best to never let you down.

They Include You

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A person who really loves you is someone who includes you when they talk about their future. They say “we” when they speak about their plans and the things they would like to do. They can’t imagine going through life with anyone else but you.

They Forgive You

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You can be confident that your partner really loves you if they are willing to forgive you. Your partner knows that you are imperfect, just as they are, and they don’t expect you to always get things right. They are willing to forgive and move on.

They Express Themselves

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A person who loves you and who really trusts you will not be afraid to open up to you and let you know their innermost feelings. This person will express themselves openly to you, perhaps telling you things that they have never told anyone else.

They Listen

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According to the MOspace Institutional Repository, “many of us spend 70 to 80 percent of our time in some form of communication. Of that time, we spend about… 45 percent listening.” Someone who really loves you will do exactly that; they will take the time to listen to you.

They Are Faithful

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Someone who has eyes for you and only you shows that they are truly in love with you. This person will not flirt with others or make suggestive remarks to other people. They are not interested in looking inappropriately at anyone. They are faithful even when you are apart.

They Engage In Conversation

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Someone who really loves you won’t just listen to the things you have to say; rather, they will show themselves engaged when conversing with you. They will do this by actively asking questions and looking you in the eyes when you speak. They won’t always be looking to change the subject.

They Text You

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The figures from EarthWeb show that “around 23 billion to 27 billion texts are sent per day all over the world.” Someone who loves you will send you many messages every day. They will be the first person to text you in the morning and the last person to text you at night.

They Compromise

Photo Credit: lissa93/Shutterstock says that “compromise in a relationship is important because it helps you understand your partner’s point of view.” A partner who is ready to yield to your preferences truly loves you and is empathetic. They do not insist on always having things their way.

They Invite You

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Someone who loves you deeply will find it hard to be without you. They will want to invite you everywhere if they can. When they are invited to enjoy an evening out with friends, they’ll ask you to join them. When they finish work in the evening, they will rush home to be with you.