The incredible size of some animals on our planet is truly astonishing, especially in comparison to the relatively small size of humans. In fact, among us is the largest creature ever recorded, which still thrives on Earth today. If you’d like to learn more, here are the 18 biggest animals in the world.
Saltwater Crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile currently living on Earth, with some individuals measuring up to an incredible 23 feet in length and weighing over 2,200 pounds. According to ScienceDaily, they are also famous for having the strongest bite force of any animal, making them ferocious predators.
White Rhinoceros

The white rhinoceros is famous for being the largest species of rhino and the second-heaviest land mammal in the world. Some larger males can weigh up to a whopping 5,000 pounds. White rhinos are native to Africa and spend much of their time grazing in African grasslands and savannahs.
Blue Whale

According to the WWF, the blue whale can reach an incredible weight of 200 tons. They can also grow to be a staggering 100 feet in length, making them the biggest animals to have ever existed on Earth. These beautiful ocean creatures primarily feed on tiny krill and live all over the world.
Fin Whale

In terms of size, the fin whale is the second biggest animal in the world, measuring up to an impressive 85 feet in length. While they are significantly less heavy than blue whales, this majestic being can still weigh up to 80 tons. Fin whales can be found in deep ocean waters all over the world.
African Elephant

You may or may not be surprised to hear that the top 10 biggest animals in the world are all whales. However, when it comes to land animals, the African elephant wears the crown. These beautiful mammals can weigh up to 14,000 pounds and measure up to 13 meters tall at their shoulders.

Giraffes are not as bulky as elephants, but they are significantly taller. Some of the largest individuals can measure up to 18 feet in height, allowing them to eat leaves from high up in the trees. They can also run surprisingly fast over short distances, sometimes reaching 35 miles per hour.

Ostriches are both the largest and heaviest birds in the world, growing up to 9 feet tall and weighing up to 340 pounds. While they cannot fly, they can run surprisingly fast, sometimes reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.
Whale Shark

The whale shark is known for being the largest fish on our planet, reaching a maximum length of 62 feet. While you may expect most sharks to be dangerous and aggressive, whale sharks are actually very gentle in nature and primarily feed on krill.
Polar Bear

Polar bears are famous for being the largest land carnivores in the world, with some of the largest males weighing up to 1,500 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet when on their hind legs. These incredible creatures are native to the Arctic region and spend most of their time on snow and sea ice.
Siberian Tiger

The Siberian tiger is the largest wild cat on the planet. Some of the species’ largest members can weigh up to 660 pounds and measure up to 12 feet from head to tail. These powerful cats mostly hunt wild boar and deer and live in eastern Russia, China, and North Korea.
Colossal Squid

Experts believe the colossal squid is the largest species of squid on Earth. They can grow up to a staggering 46 feet in length and have some of the biggest eyes in the animal kingdom. Colossal squids can be found in the depths of the Antarctic Ocean and usually feed on large fish.
Leatherback Sea Turtle

Leatherback sea turtles are the biggest of all turtles on Earth today, growing up to 7 feet in length and weighing up to 1,500 pounds. This also makes them the heaviest turtle species in the world.
Southern Elephant Seal

As you may have guessed by its name, the southern elephant seal is the largest of all seal species, with some large males weighing in at 8,800 pounds and growing to 20 feet in length. Aside from their huge size, their name also comes from their distinctive proboscis, which looks similar to an elephant’s trunk.
Green Anaconda

The green anaconda is famous for being one of the heaviest and longest snakes in the world. The biggest specimens can weigh over 500 pounds and measure up to 30 feet long. They can usually be found in the rivers and rainforests of South America.

You may not have heard of the gaur, but it is actually the largest species of wild cattle on Earth. They have been known to reach up to 7 feet at the shoulder and weigh up to 3,300 pounds at their heaviest. These beautiful bovines can be found in the grasslands and forests of South Asia.
African Buffalo

African buffalos are one of the most powerful, heaviest, and biggest African bovines. Males can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and grow up to 11 feet in length. They live in large herds and can typically be found grazing on grasslands in Africa.

In terms of weight, the hippopotamus is the third largest land mammal on the planet, weighing up to an incredible 4,000 pounds. Hippos are primarily herbivorous but can become extremely aggressive and dangerous when threatened by humans.
Mekong Giant Catfish

There are some huge species of fish in the ocean, but when it comes to freshwater, the Mekong giant catfish steals the show. This massive fish can reach lengths of up to 10 feet and weigh up to 770 pounds. As their name suggests, they are native to the Mekong River in Southeast Asia.