17 Things Holding You Back That You Should Walk Away From Now

In life, certain things subtly hold us back, preventing us from truly thriving, and most of the time, the biggest challenge is simply recognising them. This guide is here to help you uncover the habits, …

In life, certain things subtly hold us back, preventing us from truly thriving, and most of the time, the biggest challenge is simply recognising them. This guide is here to help you uncover the habits, beliefs, and relationships that may be limiting you—so that you can let them go.

Toxic Relationships

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Admitting when someone in your life isn’t good for you is hard, especially if you’ve shared memories or years together, but staying in relationships that drain your energy can do serious harm to your happiness. Life is about connection, but it should be with people who build you up, not tear you down.

Fear of Failure

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We’re all afraid of failing because it’s natural to want to do well and to avoid mistakes, but here’s the thing: failure isn’t the enemy. It’s how we learn, grow, and eventually succeed. You likely won’t be able to think of a time when you mastered something on the very first try, so instead of fearing it, view failure as a chance to get experience.

Comparison to Others

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It’s so easy to scroll through social media, watch other people’s lives unfold, and feel like you’re somehow falling behind when you should instead focus on your own achievements and personal growth. By celebrating what you’ve done, you’ll see how far you’ve come and realise there’s no need to measure yourself against anyone else.


Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Perfectionism sounds like a positive trait, but it can be crippling when you’re stuck waiting for the perfect moment or perfect result. You often end up not doing anything at all, and it’s important to remember that life doesn’t need to be flawless to be meaningful.

Negative Self-Talk

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If you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, why would you say it to yourself? That little voice in your head can be your biggest critic, but it doesn’t have to be, therefore take a moment to catch those thoughts when they happen and challenge them. Replace harsh words with kindness, and practice self-compassion.

Cluttered Spaces

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There’s something about a messy environment that makes it hard to think clearly, when clutter doesn’t just take up physical space, it can also weigh on your mind, making you feel overwhelmed. Think about the objects you’ve been holding onto: do they serve a purpose, or are they just there out of habit?

Settling for Less

Photo Credit: Josep Suria/Shutterstock

You deserve to chase dreams that excite you and to be surrounded by people who value and inspire you. Settling might feel safe, but it often comes at the cost of your happiness, so take a leap, demand more, and trust that you’re capable of creating a life that aligns with your worth.

Overthinking Everything

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We’ve all been there—replaying a decision over and over in your head, worrying about every possible outcome, and overthinking can feel like you’re solving a problem, but often it just keeps you stuck in place. The truth is, no amount of analysing can guarantee the future, and at some point, you have to trust yourself and take action.

Unhealthy Habits

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Habits are powerful, shaping our days and, ultimately, our lives, nevertheless not all habits are helpful. Maybe it’s spending hours scrolling on your phone, skipping meals, or neglecting your mental health; over time, these behaviours can quietly chip away at your well-being.


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Doing what you think will make people like you, or what will impress others the most, can seem like the kind or “right” thing to do, but it can also leave you feeling drained and resentful. Instead, set boundaries, prioritise what’s important to you, and remember that you’re allowed to take up space in your own life.

Staying in Your Comfort Zone

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Yes, your comfort zone is safe, and, well… comfortable. Yet it’s also where growth goes to die, meaning staying in familiar routines might feel secure, but often leads to stagnation, while pushing yourself into new experiences, even if they’re intimidating, can be life-changing.

Living in the Past

Photo Credit: Anton Mukhin/Shutterstock

Most of us all carry memories of mistakes, heartbreaks, or missed opportunities, and while you can’t change what’s already happened, you can shape what happens next. Focus on today, because that’s where your real power lies, while spending too much time in the past can rob you of the present.


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Maybe you’re reading this right now while you should be doing something else—it’s easy to put things off, convincing yourself that you’ll get to them “later,” however “later” has a funny way of never arriving. Procrastination isn’t about being lazy, it’s usually about fear, whether that’s fear of failure, perfectionism, or just feeling overwhelmed, so the key is to start small by breaking up tasks.

Saying Yes to Everything

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You don’t need to say yes to every invitation, favour, or opportunity, regardless of whether it makes you feel helpful or well-liked, and that’s because it can likely lead to burnout. Overloading your schedule leaves little time for yourself or the things that truly matter, while learning to say no—uncomfortable at first— can be empowering.

Worrying About Change

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Change is scary, which is why you should take it one step at a time and remind yourself that every new chapter comes with a chance to grow and discover something wonderful. Change doesn’t have to be the enemy, it can be your greatest ally, and it’s also a natural part of life that everyone needs to experience.

Holding onto Grudges

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Forgiveness isn’t about excusing bad behaviour. It’s about freeing yourself from the power that pain has over you and letting go of resentment can feel like a breath of fresh air. The moment someone hurts you, it’s natural to feel angry or resentful, but holding onto those feelings doesn’t punish the other person—it punishes you.

Unrealistic Expectations

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We all set goals and dream big, and that’s a good thing, as long as you’re not expecting perfection, whether from yourself, your relationships, or your life. Life is messy, unpredictable, and imperfect, and that’s what makes it beautiful; this means when you let go of unrealistic expectations, you make room for gratitude.