Sometimes, we get an inkling that someone is ‘into’ us, but it’s hard to know for sure unless they actually confirm it. Luckily, there are a number of subtle gestures to look out for that’ll confirm whether someone likes you. Keep the following ways in mind the next time you’re talking to someone who you think might be ‘into you.’
Remembering the Little Things

Have you noticed a certain someone is paying attention to the smaller things in your life, such as your favourite coffee or hobby? Well, this could be a sign that they’re massively ‘into you.’ It means they pay attention to everything that you share, showing that they really value who you are as a person.
Copying Your Body Language

When someone likes you, they unconsciously copy your body language, such as mirroring your gestures or leaning into you when you speak. People often do this when they’re trying to build a connection with a person, as it shows that they’re fully engaged in a conversation. Tune into this the next time you’re deep in conversation and notice what their body language is doing.
Staying Close to You

If someone likes you, then they’re going to want to be as close to you as physically possible. This can mean that a person will always stand or sit next to you, especially when you’re in a small group. It’s usually unintentional behaviour, but one of the main signs to look out for.
Their Eyes Light Up Around You

An instant way to find out someone’s feelings is by watching their reaction when they see you. When a person is ‘into you,’ their entire face will change; you’ll notice that their eyes light up and they’ll have a huge grin. This reaction shows just how much they enjoy your company and that they’re happy having you around.
Always Making Time for You

Do you find that this person always makes time for you, no matter how busy they are? It’s a sure sign that they’re interested and shows a desire to be around you. If someone really wants to spend time with you, they’ll make sure it happens, even if it means rescheduling other plans.
Noticing Changes About You

When something about you changes, whether it’s a new haircut or a shift in your mood, a person who’s ‘into you’ will always notice. This is because they pay such close attention to you, so they’ll notice even the smallest of changes. It shows they care and will always check in with you if you’re not being yourself.
Asking Open-Ended Questions

Trying to make a conversation last longer with open-ended questions is another way to tell whether a person likes you. When someone’s genuinely curious about you, they ask questions that keep the conversation flowing, such as “What made you decide to do that?” or “How did that make you feel?” It’s a sign that they want to learn all about who you are as a person.
Laughing at Your Jokes

You might think you’re the least funny person on the planet, and many people may even agree with that, but not someone who likes you. Your cringey, imperfect jokes are met with an awful amount of laughter when someone is interested. They’ll find reasons to laugh because they enjoy the way you make them feel, which also helps build a connection.
Sharing Their Favourite Things

When a person is ‘into you,’ they want you to like everything that they do, as it’s a way to build an even stronger connection. This means they’ll introduce you to their favourite music, films, or hangout spots as a way of bringing you closer. Sharing these aspects of their life creates shared experiences and strengthens your bond.
They Seem Nervous Around You

Any signs of nervousness, such as fidgeting, stumbling over words, or blushing, can indicate that someone is ‘into you.’ That’s because these behaviours often surface when someone wants to make a good impression or is self-conscious about your opinion. They want to be their best selves around you, which ultimately puts a lot of pressure on them.
Complimenting You Thoughtfully

Don’t ignore thoughtful compliments that focus more on who you are as a person, rather than what you like. These are the finest compliments you can receive, and when someone speaks positively about your intelligence or caring side, it shows they genuinely like you. They care more about you on a deeper level rather than surface-level admiration.
Following Up on Past Conversations

When a person remembers what you spoke about from the other day or even week, then it shows that they’re interested in your life. It might be following up on a previous conversation about your weekend plans or even a project you’re currently doing. No matter how big or small, it’s more than polite small talk; it’s about trying to form a connection.
Looking for Ways to Help You

Finding ways to help you, no matter how small the task, is a way for someone to show that they care. This could be anything from offering assistance with a task or helping solve a problem; these small acts of service often come from a deep-rooted affection. It’s this person’s way of showing they care and can be dependable.
Showing Interest in Your Friends or Family

Our friends and family are the most important people in our lives, so it makes sense that someone who’s ‘into you’ would want to know more about them. When someone asks about the important people in your life or makes an effort to get to know them, it’s a sign they’re invested in you beyond superficial interaction.
They’re Protective in Subtle Ways

If you start to notice messages coming through from someone asking if you’ve got home safely or checking in after you’ve had a tough day, then the chances are they really like you. These protective gestures show that a person cares and is concerned for your welfare, reflecting that they want to provide comfort and support.
Using Any Excuse to Touch You

It probably goes without saying, but light, casual touches, such as a nudge or a pat on the arm, often hint at deeper feelings. These gestures are a way for a person to establish physical closeness and to make themselves feel comfortable around you. They might do this while you’re having a conversation, as it also shows they’re fully engaged.
They’re Always in a Good Mood Around You

Finally, no matter what their day has thrown at them when they’re with you, their mood automatically improves. If you notice this, then it’ll suggest that your presence has a genuine uplifting effect. If they love nothing more than being in your company, then take it as a sign that they’re really ‘into you.’